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What to eat for thyroid health?

There are so many approaches to diet and thyroid health.

Some will argue to eat more broccoli while others will say the exact opposite. It’s hard to sift thru all the information and come out with any conclusion at times.

Here are my tested and true (to me) foods that don’t seem to send my thyroid into a spiral of flares:

Wild Salmon, Mackerel and Sardines

Balanced ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid in your hypothyroidism diet can decrease inflammation and support thyroid health. Not only will it help your thyroid, but it will also support your brain.

I like making salmon/sardine fish cakes, bonus- my kids love it too!

Probiotic rich foods include kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, and pickled veggies.

If you can tolerate it, I encourage you to have some every day! This is a great way to support a healthy gut and build up the beneficial flora in your GI track.

Seaweed which is the best natural source of iodine that is so important to thyroid health. I like using dried dulse in my smoothies, but also will snack on some nori like a boss.

Sprouted seeds- flax, hemp, pumpkin seeds to name a few. These little guys are packed with ALA- a type of omega-3 fat that’s crucial for proper hormone balance and thyroid function.

Sprouting them will make them easier to digest and absorb.

Bone broth is liquid gold!

I love a good homemade chicken bone broth, packed with amino acids such as I-proline and I-glycine which help to repair the digestive track lining and a healthy gut is one step closer to a healthy thyroid.

Root veggies- roasted, steamed, baked- you name it and I will eat it. Veggies such a yams help with hormone metabolism and in turn support your thyroid health. If you ovulate ladies, I am looking at you ALL, supporting a healthy cycle not only supports your sex hormones, but all hormones in your body. Once one is off balance the rest will shortly follow, so anything balancing our menstrual cycles is thyroid’s friend!

These are my go to’s. Of course there are more, but I find these to be a great starting point. Try including these foods in your diet, one dish at a time, no need to be eating only salmon and sipping on bone broth all day- but maybe introducing it once or twice a week at first… No step in the right direction is too small, don’t forget that!



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