Menopause by definition means 12 months without a menstrual cycle. Some of us will go thru it fast and furious, some will start and stop the menopausal countdown numerous times before the promise land of hormonal bliss. Most of us, however, will not be spared when it comes to hot flashes, low libido, weight gain, mood swings, fatigue, brain fog and often many more symptoms, doctors seem to chalk up to age, unruly hormones and the female dramatic nature.
But what if I told you, you can go thru menopause like a total rock star, what if there was a way to thrive during this season of life? Would you believe me? Would you want to know more?
Well, I am goin to tell you anyway ;)
The secret sauce is in your gut health! And the secret plan is to get your gut health in check before you head into the hormonal rollercoaster. YUP, gut health. Why? Allow me to explain this mysterious and often ignored connection.
Our small intestinal track has it s own endocrine system made up of good, healthy bacteria called microbiome. Trillions of bacteria, funguses and viruses- yes viruses, make up this complex, yet beautifully ran world of human genomes. Pretty cool, isn’t it?
Now, take wild guess as to what regulates estrogen and progesterone levels in our bodies?? Yup, you guessed it, the bacteria in our gut!! Pretty cool again, right?!
So, now you are wondering, how is it all done, right?
A collection of bacteria in our GI track called estrobolome is what mobilizes the estrogen circulating in our bodies. In a healthy gut, the estrobolome maintains a healthy balance of estrogen directly effecting our libido, healthy weight and mood. But what happens in a compromised GI track is a completely different story. After season of “professional dieting” most women go thru in their 20, 30 and 40 more and more GI tracks are far from balanced and healthy.
Of course we don’t set out to destroy it on purpose while pursuing the perfect body, trying to loose baby weight, fit in the newest fashion trends, while living out best lives, excelling at our jobs, raising families, rose-on all day. Let’s not forget endocrine disrupting chemicals in our make up, personal hygiene products, fragrance, household cleaners, yoga past and sports bras… girl cannot catch a break without being bombarded by exposures to toxins at every corner.
It also turns out this hormone -gut health connection is not a one way street. Estrogen and progesterone fuel the healthy bacteria in our gut. Without adequate levels we can develop dysbiosis and its wide range of digestive disturbance symptoms from diarrhea, cramping, constipation, bloating and indigestion.
In a healthy microbiome, estrobolome produces optimal levels of an enzyme called beta glucuronidase. Your liver metabolizes estrogen, estrobolome minimizes estrogen reabsorption from the gut and you poop it out- to put it in the most glamorous way I can :) ( just another reason to make sure you go #2 on the regular basis and are not constipated, ladies!!!)
The point here is simple, get gut health in check well before you step foot on the menopause train. Of Course gut health is only one component of balanced hormones, and we can’t forget about the rest, BUT, get health is a huge piece of it, and sadly not many are talking about it.